Heating Your Pool in Florida During The Winter

Fall is here and winter is upon us. Pools in Florida are starting to drop in temperature as nighttime temperatures dip into the 60s and 70s. Pools lose most of their heat at the surface to the air temperature. This time of year the daytime sun is limited in duration and doesn’t last long enough to recover the heat lost to the night air.  This leaves us the question of how can we maintain more heat and allow for quicker recovery?   One economical answer is solar heating.

Solar heated pools also lose heat during the night and inclement weather but there is more than enough solar energy to overcome the loss. The result is a pool that reaches temperatures well above that of an unheated pool every day of the year. For most people, solar heating alone is enough to enjoy their pool for an extended period of time maximizing the investment of the pool.

Another key to an enjoyable pool temperature is that it’s relative to air temp. While an 80ºF pool feels cool on a 90ºF day, a 80ºF pool feels like a luxurious bath on a 70ºF day. While air temperatures vary much more throughout the days and hours of the day, pool temperatures tend to change much more slowly and lag broader ambient temperature changes over days and weeks. Solar pool heaters give pools an opportunity to recover lost heat every day.

Solar heating is done at little to no operational cost. Solar pool heaters use your existing pool pump to circulate water through the panels and back to your pool, there are no additional electricity costs. Once you make your investment in a solar pool heater, you get free pool heating for over a decade with little to no maintenance.

So enjoy your pool longer and consider solar heating your pool.